Besides animal portraits, my commissioned assignments have ranged from house portraits, college campus scenes, favorite family vacation retreats, and executive retirement gifts. I will be posting examples of those paintings in the near ...
He then asked for requests, and immedietly i said hotel california. I hadnt heard it in a while, and i was hopin he could at least play the chords. Well, boy was i in for a treat. He started playin the song, and he was pretty good. ...
Don't buy German products, don't associate with a German, don't go to Germany on your vacations. There is nothing to see anyway, but the money you spend there is going straight to future war preparations. .... @Stefan Klingenberg don't let those assholes cloud your judgement about america cause there is great americans here who are friendlier and more kinder then these STR bitches and to mention the most bitchiest christians i have ever seen in my lifetime you really got ...